Excalibur Water Fed Pole 32'
Excalibur 32
If you want a pole that will not bend, flex, or bounce around while you try to clean windows, then the Excalibur is the water-fed pole for you. This water-fed pole is stiff, but with just enough flex to make it easy and comfortable.
Our nonconductive wrapped exterior and interior lining guards against shock without affecting the pole's stiffness or weight.
Unlike carbon fiber alternatives, our poles are tested at 20,000 volts, ensuring low electrical conductivity and safety at each pole section.
It is crucial to exercise extreme caution when working with water and electricity, whether cleaning solar panels or windows around power lines. Use extreme caution and wear the proper PPE to mitigate the risk of electric shock.
Our unique material combination makes Simpole the stiffest, most durable, and safest poles on the market. Our poles are more abrasion and wear-resistant than any other water-fed pole.
- 32' height
- 8 sections
- Section length 4.6"
- Section overlap 6"
- Levers are now aluminum spring-loaded
- Extended height 36" overlaps 28.4
- You can purchase our 6-foot extensions making your Excalibur reach 38’ to 90 feet!
All SimPoles are made from the highest quality materials and will last a lifetime. With the proper care, this could be the last pole you’ll need to buy.
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